Category Archive: For Cat Lovers

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Tips for Pet Fire Safety Plus a Free Emergency Alert Window Cling

  Show of hands: Who here has had something knocked over by the tail of an overly excited dog, or had to purchase a new power cord because your cat…


Protecting Your Pets from Fleas and Ticks

The summer months bring temperate weather, longer days, and many opportunities for adventure. Unfortunately, this is also the time of year when outbreaks of external parasites, namely fleas and ticks,…


Pet Safety Hazards During Easter

Around the Easter holiday, it is important to be eggs-tra careful that your pets are not sticking their noses where they don’t belong. Like most holidays, there are several dangers…


Preparing Your Pet for Visitors

When the doorbell rings… Pets (dogs especially) experience a rush of adrenaline when the doorbell rings.¹  Whether they are excited to lick the faces of familiar friends, or stricken with the…


Tips for Grooming & Bathing Your Pet

Shedding & Seasonal Coats A healthy pet is going to shed—it is part of a natural cycle where old hair falls out allowing new hair to grow in. The amount…


Tips for Grooming & Bathing Your Pet

Shedding & Seasonal Coats A healthy pet is going to shed—it is part of a natural cycle where old hair falls out allowing new hair to grow in. The amount…


Why Dental Health Is Important for Your Pet

As much as we love getting kisses from our pets, no one especially enjoys getting a whiff of Fluffy’s bad breath. What many do not realize however, is that there…


Safety Tips for Halloween

Spooky monsters, loud noises, and vicious pranksters — it’s no wonder why Halloween is such a scary time of the year. However, while we humans normally delight in this annual…


Healthy Balanced Diets

It is a universally known fact that pets require good nutrition to live long, happy lives. A more elusive fact, however, is how often and what specifically we should feed…


Myths & Facts About Rabies

The rabies virus infects the body’s central nervous system, causing brain disease and death1. Early signs of rabies infection may seem like general illness, such as fever, headache and general…