Category Archive: For Dog Lovers

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The Importance of Routine Veterinary Exams

We hear this question every day:   “My pet appears healthy and shows no signs of concern. Why is it important for a veterinarian to examine him when there are no…


Heartworm Pop Quiz!

April is heartworm awareness month, so to mark the occasion, we’re going to have a pop quiz!  Ready? Everyone take out a piece of paper and number it 1-10. This…

Marijuana Poisoning in Pets: Q&A

Continuing the education about marijuana poisoning in pets, Total Veterinary Care® has posted some questions and answers from the Pet Poison Helpline below. The full article can be found here!…

Dental Disease: What to Watch For

At Total Veterinary Care®, we believe you are your pet’s best oral health advocate! Problems with your furry friend’s mouth and teeth often lead to a variety of other problems.…


February is National Pet Dental Health Month, and it’s a great time to focus on the dental health of our pets.

Why Do Pets Need Dental Exams and Cleanings? At Total Veterinary Care®, a health check-up includes a thorough examination of your pet’s mouth, teeth and tissues.  Our doctors will ask…

Diabetes and Senior Pets—Identification and Care

Although diabetes can occur in any pet, young or old, it is most common in older pets. The team at Total Veterinary Care® encourages you to seek our advice on…

Consider Adopting a Senior Pet – You’ll be Thankful!

There is nothing more adorable than playful, fluffy puppies and kittens.  Whether searching for a pet through a shelter, pet store or breeder, the reality is that most people seeking…

Aging and Pet Wellness

It’s National Pet Wellness Month, and we have some great information to share about aging and wellness!   Did you know that: by age two, most cats and dogs are “adults”?  …

caring for aging pet

How to Care for an Aging Pet

Much like their human counterparts, pets need special care and consideration as they age. Joints get a bit stiffer, they may not be as spry, and the food that once…

responsible dog ownership

What Does it Take to be a Responsible Dog Owner?

Each September, the American Kennel Club celebrates Responsible Dog Ownership. By doing this, the AKC hopes to bring awareness to what it takes to responsibly own and raise a dog.…