Category Archive: Preventative Care

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The Importance of Routine Veterinary Exams

We hear this question every day:   “My pet appears healthy and shows no signs of concern. Why is it important for a veterinarian to examine him when there are no…


Heartworm Pop Quiz!

April is heartworm awareness month, so to mark the occasion, we’re going to have a pop quiz!  Ready? Everyone take out a piece of paper and number it 1-10. This…

Dental Disease: What to Watch For

At Total Veterinary Care®, we believe you are your pet’s best oral health advocate! Problems with your furry friend’s mouth and teeth often lead to a variety of other problems.…


February is National Pet Dental Health Month, and it’s a great time to focus on the dental health of our pets.

Why Do Pets Need Dental Exams and Cleanings? At Total Veterinary Care®, a health check-up includes a thorough examination of your pet’s mouth, teeth and tissues.  Our doctors will ask…

Diabetes and Senior Pets—Identification and Care

Although diabetes can occur in any pet, young or old, it is most common in older pets. The team at Total Veterinary Care® encourages you to seek our advice on…

Aging and Pet Wellness

It’s National Pet Wellness Month, and we have some great information to share about aging and wellness!   Did you know that: by age two, most cats and dogs are “adults”?  …

indoor cat veterinarians

Your Indoor Cat Really Should Go to the Vet

You adore your indoor kitties and lovingly dote on them with tasty treats and the best toys. But when it comes to taking them to the doc, do you give…

check your chip day

August 15 is National Check Your Chip Day!

Is your pet microchipped? Is the information affiliated with their chip accurate? Here is some great information about the benefits of microchipping for you to read and share. And don’t…

vaccinate your pets

Bringing Awareness to the Importance of Pet Vaccinations in the Month of August

Did you know that August is National Immunization Awareness Month for both humans and pets? Not only is it important for you to be aware of the immunizations that could…

keep pets safe in warm weather

The Dangers of Summer Heat for Pets

With summer in full swing, people and pets are out and about enjoying the warm weather. But while the promise of summer fun gets us outdoors, it can also pose…